What is an Interjection?

By definition, an interjection is a word unit in English used to express emotions and strong feelings.Interjections can be used to express hesitation or protest, and it often ends with an exclamation point.

Interjection examples:

  • “Oops! I’m sorry.”
  • “Bingo! I found it.”
  • “Oh, How cute she is!”
  • “Well! I think Steve got married!”
  • “Meh! I don’t like that movie.”
  • “Yahoo! We made it!”

How many Interjections in English?

The following table is a list of interjections that show emotions along with examples for each:

Type of InterjectionsEXAMPLES
Hmm“Humm…She is more clever than all of us.”
Um“Um, I don’t know if I like the color.”
Err“New Delhi is the capital of..err… India!”
Pity/Good grief
Alas“Alas, my funds have some limitations.”
Dear“Oh dear, I’ve broken the light.”
Ah“Ah, what a lovely baby!”
Aha“Aha, it was a fox.”
Tut tut“Tut tut, Jack, you disappoint me, you really do.”
Tsk tsk“So you were out wasting time again last night? Tsk tsk!”
Hmph“Don’t blame me. It is your fault. Hmph!”
Huh“Try to understand.” “Huh! What is there to understand?”
Oy“Oy, my legs hurt!”
Hey“Hey! Look out!”
Help“Help! I’m going to fall.”
Ah“Ah! I have hurt my toe.”
Uh-oh“Uh-oh, I think the bear is inside the house!”
Oh no“Oh no! Did I leave my keys in the car?”
Oh“Oh, I am not going to die, am I?”
Oops“Oops! I almost spilled the coffee!”
Aw“Aw it’s a shame. I can’t make it”.
Ahem“Ahem, can I make a suggestion?”
Er“I don’t think..er..wait..let me call my boss.”
Ouch“Ouch! That really hurts!”
Oww“Oww, I hit my thumb!”
Oh“Oh! I’ve got a toothache.”
Yuck“Yuck! This peanut butter is disgusting.”
Ugh“That guy is so stupid. Ugh, I can’t stand his foolishness.”
Er“Er, this apple is rotten.”
Oh“Oh! What a nice view.”
Eek“Eek! It moved!”
Yikes“Yikes, my mother’s home!”
Ooh“Ooh, what a lovely dress!”
Wow“Wow! I never knew that.”
Eh“So that was all what she said, eh?”
Well“Well, so she got a job?”
Really“She’s resigned.” “Really?”
Hurray“We’ve done it! Hurrah!”
Yippee“Yippee! We won, let’s have a part!”
Ha“Ha! So I’m right after all.”
Whoopee“Whoopee! It’s the holidays!”
Woo hoo“Woo hoo! It’s the holidays.”
Hooray“Hooray! Our team won!”
Yeah“Yeah, I’d love some orange juice.”
Mmm“Mm, this ice cream is delicious.”
Phew“I didn’t do my homework, but the teacher didn’t check. Phew!”
Whew“Whew! I can’t believe we actually finished it all.”
Whoa“Whoa, take it easy, calm down!”
Blah“Blah! Why can’t I get this computer to work?”
Ho-hum“Look at all this paperwork. Ho-hum.”