What are Phrasal prepositions?

Phrasal prepositions are collection of words or phrases that could include an adverbs, verbs, nouns or pronouns in a sentence. You can consider them as parts of a sentence that forms a meaningful thought only as a unite.


  • On behalf of
  • In spite of
  • On the floor
  • In addition to
  • By means of
  • On time
  • To the fact that

Examples in sentence:

  • There is a party in front of my house.
  • She went to school in spite of being sick.
  • She gave a talk on behalf of the whole class.
  • In addition to drawing, he also plays piano.
  • I was not present in the meeting because of illness.
  • he is proven guilty according to the law.
  • We need to pass the exams for the sake of scholarship.
  • According to science gravity is still a mystery.
  • Considering the given results, the company decided to increase production.
  • He cannot be here in any case because he lives far away.
  • As for him, he knows exactly how to make a delicious pizza.
  • Many people switch to work from home instead of going to office.
  • He went all the way up to top of the mountain.

List of Common Phrasal Prepositions:

  • In favor of
  • Owing to
  • According to
  • By means of
  • In addition to
  • On the floor
  • On-time
  • In spite of
  • Concerning
  • On account of
  • On behalf of
  • In front of
  • In any case
  • For the moment
  • In love with
  • In the end
  • For a while
  • Up the hill
  • Considering

Most Common Ones:

Average out atClose in onFeel up toGo ahead with
Make up forShy away fromAdd up toCome down with
Fill in forGo in forMake up toStand in for
Come down onFix up withGo on aboutMake up with
Stand in withBe on aboutCome forward withFob off on/with
Grow out ofMeasure up toStand up forBe up for
Come up againstHold back onKeep away fromStand up with
Miss out onRun out ofWatch out forClamp down on
Fed up with (be)Get back onMake out withSend away for
Get along withLive up toPress on withTalk back to
Call out toBack out ofDo out ofGet on with
Load up onPush on withTurn away fromCall out on
Drop in onGet out ofLook down onPut down to
Wake up toStand up toBe up toCome up for
Gang up against/onKeep up withMove in onBreak in on
Come up withGet away withLet in onMove on to
Stick up forBreak out ofCut back onGet back to
Listen in onOpen up toTake out onBring out in
Cut down onGet back atCash in onDrop out of
Look forward toPut in forWalk away fromCatch up on
Face up toGet rid ofLook in onPut up to
Walk away withCatch up withFall back onGet round to
Look out forPut up withWalk out onChalk up to
Fall behind withGet through toLook up toRun away from
Walk out toCheck up onFall out withGet through with
Make off withRun out ofWatch out forClamp down on
Fed up with (be)Get back onMake out withSend away for
Get along withLive up toPress on withListen out for
Own up toTake up onBurst in onDo away with
Get along withLive up toPress on withTalk back to
Call out toDo out ofGet on withLoad up on
Push on withTurn away fromCall out onGet over with
Drop in onGet out ofLook down onPut down to
Wake up toPush on withTurn away fromCall out on
Drop in onGet out ofLook down onPut down to
Wake up toTalk back toCall out toDo out of
Get on withLoad up on